
Conflicting Hearts touches on a taboo subject, but one that is very real to many women in today’s society. Though this is a fictional work that actually documents a factual event in another person’s life, it has the power to open the eyes of readers to better understand those who have suffered sexual abuse as a child.

Written with a sprinkle of humor, brutal reality, and sizzling romance, it is a book that some readers claim should be read by every woman. For those who are victims, it gives hope that healing and healthy relationships are possible.

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Readers’ Favorite – Finalist/Social Issues – 2017 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest


Rachel Hayward hoped to have a quiet thirtieth birthday alone. Instead, fate had different plans.

Caught in traffic and late for work, Rachel takes her eyes off the road to gawk at the accident and rear-ends the car in front of her. Sick over having ruined her day, she lowers her head and waits for the driver to begin a tirade over her stupidity. Instead, a kind man taps on her window, showing genuine concern.

The brief colliding encounter suddenly starts a relationship between two strangers that takes off under odd circumstances. When intimacy begins, their relationship turns into a conflicting set of needs. Ian is tenderhearted and respectful, but Rachel desires aggressiveness from a man. The clash of desires threatens to tear them apart. As a result, she is faced with the decision to leave the man she loves or finally confront the painful secret of her childhood.


Reader Comments

“Loved it, amazing!”
“Love…love…LOVED this book!!”
“Thank you for a romance that deals with very real issues.”
“Just wanted to say WOW. Truly amazing and inspirational.”
“In short, I loved it!”
“It’s a real eye-opener and should be read by all.”
“It’s well done, very well done story. I absolutely loved it.”
“Just finished reading your book. It was amazing!!!!”

A Word to Visitors

This website is not intended to provide any medical or psychological advice.  If you are a victim of sexual abuse, please consult a medical professional or therapist to help you.  ​​Unfortunately, I do not have the skills to deal with psychological issues or a crisis. I’m merely a victim myself who has brought my story to others as encouragement.

If you need immediate counsel, please contact:

1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK

International Suicide and Crisis Hotlines:


The purpose of this site is to market “Conflicting Hearts” and also create a safe place to find inspiration, support, and helpful information for victims of childhood sexual abuse.